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Prying eyes

  Prying eyes

Plăcuța, constatarea și serviciile

Legea poliției locale precizează că angajații acestei instituții își desfăşoară activitatea pe baza principiilor încrederii, previzibilităţii, proximităţii şi proporţionalităţii, deschiderii şi transparenţei, eficienţei şi eficacităţii, răspunderii şi responsabilităţii, imparţialităţii şi nediscriminării. Aceiași angajați au obligația de a constata contravenţii şi de a aplica sancţiuni pentru încălcarea normelor legale privind oprirea, staţionarea şi parcarea autovehiculelor, accesul interzis, având dreptul de a dispune măsuri de ridicare a autovehiculelor staţionate neregulamentar. În  ...

  English, Prying eyes

Review. Daily Free Ebooks

My birthday gift last year was a Kindle. There was nothing on it, so I decided to ennoble it by searching and buying books to build up a pocket library. After hundreds of euros spent on junk books, I discovered Daily Free Ebooks. The best thing about this website is that you can download free Kindle books every single day. There is a wide variety of categories you can pick from as this is a one-stop shop for cook books, mystery, thrillers, non-fiction, parenting or personal development. Each book comes with a presentation and five-star review system. You can read tens of reviews if you  ...

  English, Prying eyes

Review. Lumosity project. is a brain training website developed by neuroscientists at Lumos Labs for improving memory, attention and processing speed. It is part of a Human Cognition Project developed by specialists from top world education institutions such as Stanford University, University of New South Wales, University of California and University of Michigan. The exercises can be used by individuals of all ages and test the working memory, visual attention and executive function. How does it work? Each day you can play a few games. Responses and speed are recorded and tracked over time, both  ...

  English, Liniști, Prying eyes

Movie review: Game Changers. Mark Zuckerberg.

One billion people have an active account on Facebook. That’s almost every seventh person on Earth. *Video: bloomberg game changers: mark zuckerberg Apparently neither Facebook nor Zuckerberg need any publicity other than what’s been shown in the Oscar-winning movie The Social Network.  But after watching a documentary that starts with “My name is Barack Obama and I’m the guy who’s got Mark to wear a jacket and tie,” you just wonder: how far can things go? Bloomberg’s Game Changers episode dedicated to Mark Zuckerberg starts with an alert? two-minute prologue in which you get exposed to  ...

  English, Ochiul magic, Prying eyes

No degree, but it’s free

Make a clever decision about your career and get more skills. The number for free courses has never been larger. Online platforms have made their way into the fabric of education altering the old learning and teaching habits. It’s still unknown to many, but with a bit of research you can discover the new value of learning and make it part of your personal or professional life. If you meet some basic technical requirements (Windows – Internet Explorer 7.0 or Firefox 3.5; Mac OSX – Safari 5.0 or Firefox 3.5, and a high-speed connection), here are some good places to get familiar with  ...

  Prying eyes, Teatru

Teatrul Naţional din Londra, live la Bucureşti

The Light Cinema din mall-ul Liberty Center, Şoseaua Progresului 151-171, difuzează în zilele de 6 septembrie, 11 octombrie şi 1 noiembrie primele trei spectacole din stagiunea 2012-2013 ale Teatrului Naţional al Marii Britanii din Londra. Toate spectacolele încep la ora 21:00, sunt transmise live şi pot fi vizionate în sălile de cinema în format HD. Preţul unui bilet este de 55 lei (45 lei pentru elevi, studenţi şi pensionari), iar rezervările se pot face telefonic (021 3699740/ 021 3699797 / 0737026226/ 0737 026 227) sau prin email ( Cei care nu sunt în România,  ...

  English, Lifeboat, Prying eyes

Visa for life

Exceptionally, 13 can turn into a lucky number. Michael King talks about his latest documentary and what he thinks diplomats should do to make  the world a better place.  In 2007, the Emmy-awarded movie director Michael King spent one month at Yad Vashem, the World Centre for Holocaust Research in Jerusalem. Doing his research in a place that represents the darkest time in history was one of his most sobering, emotional and thought-provoking life experiences, he says. Just like any other Yad Vashem visitor, Michael was surrounded by young Israeli soldiers with guns who did the same:  ...

  Prying eyes

Rezultatele incontestabile ale unei evaluări cu semne de întrebare

Înainte de a intra cu copilul de cinci ani în sală, Daniel D. era emoţionat şi speriat pentru că nu ştia ce înseamnă evaluarea psihosomatică a preşcolarilor. Fetiţa lui, pe care abia o luase de la grădiniţă, era obosită şi voia să meargă acasă, să se culce. Când a ieşit de la evaluare, Daniel D. avea în mână fişa cu acceptul pentru înscrierea în grupa 0, iar fetiţa – care abia aştepta lecţia de balet de după somn – a pierdut 15% din scorul total pentru că nu a identificat vizual anotimpurile şi nu a ştiut să enumere zilele săptămânii. Probabil că şi Daniel D., şi ceilalţi părinţi ar fi  ...

  Prying eyes

Habemus gubernator

This week begun with a kind of premiere, at least for Romania: in less than a day the country had three Prime Ministers. The first one, Emil Boc, resigned on Monday, 6 February, around 10 a.m. One hour later, President Traian Basescu decided to appoint Catalin Predoiu (Justice) as interim PM, but at 7 pm the Chief of External Intelligence Service, Mihai Razvan Ungureanu, was asked to put together a new cabinet. “Mihai Razvan Ungureanu has become the first Oxford University graduate to become Prime Minister of Romania. Congratulations to him, and, yes, congratulations to Oxford too  ...

  Prying eyes

Cronica unor ghete (ne)purtate

Berlin, octombrie 2011 – Reducerile la încălţămintea şi îmbrăcămintea de iarnă sunt nesemnificative. Cu toate astea, nemţii se aliniază la raioanele de specialitate şi pipăie doar produse de calitate (Jack Wolfskin, McKinley, Mamut, Salomon etc). Şi foarte scumpe. Mie-mi trebuie nişte încălţări care să reziste atât la mocirlele din Bucureşti şi la gheaţa necurăţată de pe trotuare, cât şi la vântul de la munte. Eventual, să mă ţină vreo doi-trei ani. Nu caut o marcă anume, nu imaginea mă interesează, ci confortul şi sănătatea. Cu chiu, cu vai, mă las convinsă şi dau 80 de euro pe nişte  ...